Events Calendar
Kismetation Virtual Clairvoyant Readings - Monday Evening
What you are getting with a Clairvoyant Reading? A Reading can be like parting of the Seas. Have you ever felt so blocked or swam in overwhelm or just plainly needed answers and it felt like there is an Ocean between you and the answers or the very thing you would like to have?
Confused by whats going on? You have tried and tried? Nothing seems to work? Hopeless? Difficult in just one area of your life or more?
Relationships | Work, Career | Money | Health
Here at the school Students learn to "syphon" through that energy to actually see "the light" which is you. In turn this helps them to heal themselves as well.
Under all those trials and tribulations and obstacles there is YOU bright and shinny with all your answers and joys and enthusiasm intact, to move forward and allow your creations to unfold.
So a Reading helps you to release the energies that are not in alignment with you and allow yourself to take out the trash. A Spiritual Shower so to speak!
Readings available Monday evenings from 5:30 - 7:30 pm and Tuesday mornings from 9:30 - 11:30 am. Come a little earlier and you get a Healing before your Reading this will help you to set the Energy for your Reading and make everything a little smoother so to speak.
Healings are Free - Readings are $50. Call us 310-383-7670 to make an appointment
Zoom Link:
Questions? Give us a call and ask: 310 383 7670
Date and Time
Monday May 20, 2024
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM PDT
Monday evenings
Also on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 - 11:30 am
Virtual via Zoom
Healings are Free - Readings are $50. Call us 310-383-7670 to make an appointment
Zoom Link:
Contact Information
Questions? Give us a call at 310-383-7670